
          .福島核廠善後 福島核廠善後 專家建議埋掉 俄羅斯專家認為,應該要覆蓋上混凝 廬山住宿 廬山飯店...http://t 廬山溫泉 3月26日星期六 台北 花蓮旅遊 That so called 俄羅斯專家 is not indeed 花蓮民宿俄羅斯專家, is American werewolves slaved controlled white trash a p 吉安民宿hony 俄羅斯 that taken over murdered real 俄羅斯專家's ID and all that 專家 left b 花蓮住宿ehind. The right way to do that so called 福島核廠善後 is to seal that area to leave it back to the wild (The natur 花蓮民宿al can know how to grow life to do the best 善後 for a better living place for all good will future life.), and not to allow anyone who knows ho 酒店經紀w to read and write to get into that area. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 港式飲茶  .


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